Welcome the 2023-2024 Executive July 2023-June 2024

WELCOME TO THE 2023-2024 EXECUTIVE (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024):
Please find below the results of the newly elected BCRPVPA Executive held at the May 17th AGM for the July 1-2023 to June 30-2024 Fiscal Year.

The election was conducted according to the BCRPVPA format as indicated on the bcrpvpa.ca website, under the caption CONSTITUTION, Article 9.

2023-2024 Executive Elections at the AGM: as per Constitution
Named Positions: The positions of President, Vice President, and Past President, are traditionally held for 2 years. However, because circumstances can change, this is not in our constitution and so these positions must be declared open each year.

The following BCRPVPA Officers for 2023-2024 are:

President: Ted St. Pierre
Past President: Christine Johnson
Vice-President: Marsha Arnold
Treasurer: Lanny Young
Secretary: vacant

5- 9 Members-at-Large (as volunteered)

Jeff Larcombe; Deborah Luporini; Yolande Martinello; Ian Kent