Six Word Biographies

Missing family gatherings, smiles, and hugs
-Catherine Paton (draw winner)

I hate golf! I love golf!
-Bob Holman

Too much Zoom. Photography my sanity. Improving photography skills. Happy Hikes. Zoom!
-Joy Ruffeski

Book launched. Wrote another. Travel ahead
Book launched. School equipped. Travel ahead.
Book Launched. Steep learning marketing curve.
Nepal one day at a time.
-Patti Shales Lefkos

Stories food for thought eased homestay
-Christine Johnson

Getaway Cancelled 50ᵗʰ May first Accident
-Floriana Albi

Love my friend and family bubble
-Jeanette Mergens (draw winner)

Covid Avoidance, Family Bubble,
Brings Contentment
-Gerald Soon

Walking in the woods, getting muddy On the ferry, in the car
Open hearts, everyone is trying hard Reading books, lots of good books
I want to go to Scotland
-Eileen Phillips

Keeping busy, Six committees, Remaining positive
-Elaine Thompson (draw winner)

Enjoying hiking, relationships, hobbies, fitness, Zoom
Doordash, FreshPrep, UPS, Instacart, Amazon, Doorbell!
-Marsha Arnold

Thankful gratitude, happiness always, loving family
-Celina Mau

Joy with yoga, walking, guitars Growth with yoga, walking and guitars
-Leanna Garner

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