Past President’s Report

Submitted by Ted St. Pierre

Please find below the results of the newly elected BCRPVPA Executive for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. The election was conducted according to the BCRPVPA format as indicated on the website, under the caption CONSTITUTION, Article 9.

(as per the BCRPVPA Constitution)

9.1) Officers of this Association shall be the President, the Past President, Vice-President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.
9.2) The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of the President, Past President, V-P, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 to 9 Members-at-Large.
9.3) Unless elected by acclamation, the members of the Executive Committee of the Association shall be elected by secret ballot at an Annual General Meeting with nominations being accepted from the floor.
9.4) If for any reason a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Executive Committee, the President, acting on the advice of the remaining members of the Executive Committee, may appoint a Member to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.

MEMBERS-at-LARGE shall: (as per the Constitution & revised 2021 Bylaws)

The Members-at-Large shall: serve and assume various responsibilities within the Communications Committee and/or the Member Services Committee to assist the executive committee. Areas of responsibility of the Communications Committee include Technology, Website, Newsletter, Yammer,
Mail-outs, Mentorship, and Surveys.

Areas of responsibility of the Members Services Committee include Membership, Sunshine, Speakers, Affinity. Scholarship, and Pensions. Each area of responsibility will have several Members-at-Large serving on it and the lead individual will change yearly to promote knowledge of the Association and succession.

2022-2023 Executive Slate: Elections at the AGM:

Named Positions:
The positions of President, Vice President, and Past President, are traditionally held for 2 years. However, because circumstances can change, this is not in our constitution and so these positions must be declared open each year.

The following BCRPVPA Officers for 2022-2023 are:

President: Christine Johnson

Past President: Ted St. Pierre
Vice-President: vacant
Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: vacant

5 – 9 Members-at-Large (all 5 elected)

Marsha Arnold; Jeff Larcombe; Deborah Luporini; Paul Taylor; Elaine McVie

The following current Executive Members are thanked for their many years of contribution to the BCRPVP Association: Eileen Phillips; Celina Mau; Allan Buggie; Lanny Young