Report from Chapter Council Meeting, May 13th & 14th, 2022

Christine Johnson & Marsha Arnold (Celina’s sub) attended.

Held in-person at the River Rock Hotel-Whistler Ballroom, in Richmond, this CC Meeting consisted of reports (including financial); the presentation of awards; candidate speeches; table talk; and guest presentations.
The Friday evening agenda began with the Partnership Awards, and it is definitely pleasurable to see how many schools are so closely linked to community organizations that provide important services and opportunities for our students.
I proffered greetings from the BCRPVPA and explained our current Membership Drive re the handouts which we distributed. Table Talk about the current challenges in schools clearly pointed out that it is great to see kids in person and to gain perspective through relationships and ‘Senior Teams’ but that staff shortages were an ongoing problem. This was followed by speeches from candidates for BCPVPA Directors, voting for which
will commence online next week. Of the nine (9) candidates, five (5) will be elected.

Saturday began with a presentation from BCPSEA (BC Public School Employees Association).
This is the bargaining year and the team talked about streamlining, the current structure,
and labour relation issues. Cost of Living is the key issue. More news will follow.

Provincial bargaining began on March 15th and is happening three (3) times a week.
The BCPSEA is working on a ‘recruitment drive’ to try to increase the number of Exempt and Support Staff.
The Financial statements and Budget were presented. Each program was discussed to show how the Budget jibed with the Strategic Plan. Staff input is sough before the Budget comes to Chapter Council and is approved by the Board of Directors. The savings from the Covid years will likely wipe out the projected Deficit.

Kevin Reimer spoke about the need to change the Strategic Plan according to
‘Changes in the landscape’ e.g., anti- racism & equity.

Table Talk: Is the role of Principal and Vice really a management one?
Any suggestions for next year’s Strategic Plan?

Kevin’s report included the results of a survey on Diversity and Equity.
A Principal and Vice-Principal is not just an employee re the definition of the
Labour Relations Board but is more of a Supervisor.

The report by the Communications Team included the support given to Principals and Vice-Principals in various challenging situations, Student Voice giving young people a chance to give feedback, and with the positive change in application date resulted in 119 applications for Scholarships for which twenty (20) are selected.

The report by the Professional Learning Development Team included the many opportunities provided. There have been modifications in accessibility to make more user friendly and integrated. This year’s Short Course to be in person.

The Deputy Minister for Education & Child Care, Christina Zacharuk, was the Guest Speaker.
The theme of her Ministry is Reconnect, Rejuvenate, Rejoice.
She spoke about three (3) categories of priorities: Truth & Reconciliation, Child Care and Anti-Racism. (Visit the Government website to see the roll-out of these programs).
She also spoke about the changes in Assessment and the Indigenous Studies course for Graduation. These programs are scheduled to begin in 2023 for gr. 10-12.

Darren Danyluk spoke about his leadership preparation and his time with the BCPVPA since 1995. He also spoke about the need for compassion, and recounted stories which pointed to the chronic stress under which Principals and Vice-Principals have been working. “Just because you carry it well, doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy.”
He was in awe of the personnel from the BCPVPA with whom he has worked and bid his farewell. He will be missed but will still be contributing as past president.
Brian Leonard, the President-Elect, also spoke in Darren’s honour.

Submitted by Christine Johnson