BC Retired Principals’ & Vice-Principals’ Association

A group of retired educators with common goals and a multitude of interests.

The purposes of the BCRPVPA are:

to maintain an active affiliation with the B.C. Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association (BCPVPA)

to promote the interests and the welfare of its members

to communicate with members regarding issues of common interest and the activities of the Association

to encourage and foster liaison among Association members and Principals and Vice-Principals through a much needed mentorship program

In November 1996, fourteen retired principals and vice-principals met to form a provincial organization. From this modest beginning and through the dedicated efforts of many individuals, this volunteer Association has grown to a membership of more than 800 members.

The BCRPVPA maintains an active affiliation and relationship with the BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association and has observer status at BCPVPA Chapter Council meetings. We appreciate the support of the BCPVPA.

The Association has a government appointed excluded staff representative on the BC Teachers’ Pension Board.

The Association has a close relationship with the BC Retired Teachers’ Association which includes access to an alternative extended health and travel plan which better focuses on retirees needs.  This relationship fosters other wide-ranging benefits for members.

The Association endeavors to maintain contact with other organizations to keep informed about issues affecting retirees.

The BCRPVPA depends solely on volunteers and member participation to maintain its mandate.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Association fee is determined at the Annual General Meeting. The annual $30 fee for the first year is free. This fee is then paid automatically through an annual deduction from the member’s July pension cheque.

No, once you join the BCRPVPA, the Pension Corporation automatically deducts the membership fee from your pension in June of each year. You do not need to do anything further.

 (Two possible reasons)

  1. Your email address is no longer accurate. Send your new email to info@bcrpvpa.ca or,
  2. Your email capacity is full, and you do not have room for new email. If you have a Shaw email account, patrons only have room for 1000 MB. Look in the bottom left corner of your email screen and it should indicate the percentage of your inbox that is used.

a) Delete your inbox messages, your sent messages, and the junk on a regular basis.

b) Go into Trash, found on the left side of your screen under the words Draft and Junk.

c) Click on the small down arrow beside the word Trash.

d) Click on Empty Trash. Until you empty your trash, the messages are not deleted from your account, and you will not have room in your inbox for new email.

No, as you voluntarily belong to the BCRPVPA, and it is not considered a necessary condition of employment. It will not appear on your T4A.

“The cost of maintaining membership in voluntary associations, even if related to one’s trade or profession, is not deductible.” CRA website

Yes, you can as it is considered a necessary part of employment. Presently the annual fee is $95 due by May 31st of each year. Find out more at: how to maintain your certification. You will receive an emailed tax receipt for payment.

Yes, you can if you have had continuous medical and dental coverage and have not allowed it to lapse. If you have been under your spouse’s coverage that counts as continuous coverage. You can be on one plan for extended health and a different one for dental, but you must have had continuous coverage.

Once you sign on you have 30 days to change your mind or wait 365 days to change plans. Presently our group coverage choices are Green Shield or Johnson Prestige. A comparison chart between the two plans can be found under Benefits if you scroll down to the bottom.